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Isolation Blog 7 - Advanced Level Procrastinating & The 'TO DO LIST'


Writing this blog has been on my 'TO DO LIST' for a few weeks, not as long as 'Update Wine Tasting Notes' has been on there but 'The List' seems to never get any smaller...which I guess is the Sisyphean or Masochistic point of perpetual list writing and the resultant Serotonin release of taking items off said list.

It’s been 2 months since I wrote anything of substance on this site and I have been pretty hard on myself internally about the lack of productivity on the blog.

Then before bed last night I wrote a little list of things I have been doing in the last 8 weeks and I decided, maybe, I have filled my time enough. Worrying about something that I take enjoyment from should not illicit feelings of disappointment but rather be a motivator to return to the breach once more.

I am sure to many this feeling of internalised pressure is not a new sensation, for most I am assuming it is the driving force for attainment in their daily life. I know for others it can be the cause and effect of crippling anxiety and stress. For me recently, it mainly resulted in less than stellar sleep and some...

(check it out for yourself)

In an attempt to lessen these feelings and the control they hold and to hopefully just start a new chapter in the blog, please find the list (in a more legible and typed format)

Since July 29th (Isolation Blog 6) a lot has changed, here is the synopsis in that time;

1. We now have a full-blown toddler who I attempt to keep interested and busy for 3 days a week Mon to Wed. We rely upon my in-laws a great deal to help make this possible which is an unbelievable kindness, as I often have tasks that run into my childcare days.

2. My wife has been our sole bread winner for the last 6 months – she has managed to work from home this entire time and support us. Not to mention still finding time to be an incredible mum and generally amazing. This is nothing to do with me, just needs mentioning and celebrating.

3. I am consulting with a chocolate brand to help get their UK & International Sales off the ground for 2 days a week.

4. Managed to secure a new job which, I am very excited about and it starts at the end of October.

5. I help maintain a wine cellar (part-time) and sold over £4k of wine to private clients, this felt rewarding in its own way

6. We put our flat in London on the market and are now attempting to find a new home in a slightly more rural setting.

7. I have made a start on a podcast … more news to follow

8. I have completed 5 other wine tastings and 2 cocktail videos, all of which have not been sufficiently written about and some have not even been posted yet.

9. We went on holiday to the Lake District and Shropshire for a week at some point in there too, I’m just not sure how we managed to do it…

10. I did my first ever Live (Zoom Based) Cookery Class; I was paid to do it and my ‘Imposter Syndrome’ did not kick into overdrive. Chalk one up for the personal growth & development there…

I am grateful for all of these things and it is not my intention to be smug but feeling proud of one’s achievements is a powerful motivator to do more.

I know everyone has had their tough times in the last 6 months, for me it seems that focusing on the ‘grind’ by producing content, writing and being useful to anyone who will have me as well as being a Dad & Husband has pulled me through the last 2 months without much realisation of how quickly time had passed.

So, I am going to leave my list of accomplishments here, I am more proud and happy than I had obsessed about and internalised over the past few weeks.

PLUS - I have this great new logo too!

Keep an eye out for the next 4 wine tastings together as 1 single post, just to clear the 'TO DO LIST' down to a more manageable level.

Job Done – just going for a short Serotonin bath & then back to it...

All the best


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