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Social Isolation Blog 4


Sunrise in the Park...Simple & Beautiful..

The Law of Unintended Consequences…

When I typed the Law of Unintended Consequences into Google, I thought it would provide a simple and efficient definition of a phrase that I think I understand. 1 Hour, 5 articles later and an 500 words cut from this post, I think I am still none the wiser on the specifics.

I will give the best definition I found (thank you Wikipedia) and then we will move on; “Akin to Murphy's law, it is commonly used as a wry or humorous warning against the hubristic belief that humans can fully control the world around them.”

No greater example has been given within my lifetime or that of my parents of, “no control in the world” than the outbreak, spread and chaos that has been borne of COVID-19.

It is impossible for us to exert control over it, especially within our limited roles.

Simply by trying to do nothing, we are in-fact doing something – a juxtaposition that will have Jedi’s amongst us in fits of applause;

“There is no try, only do” Yoda

But in the last 2 weeks, here are some things that I have noticed - I have purposefully kept these light hearted and personal to me because the world is crazy and difficult enough as it is without me discussing the WHO’s policy on aggressive testing and infection management which would be, laughable at best,

Banana Bread

It’s delicious, it’s always been delicious and more people are finding ways to waste less food which is fantastic but just because you call it bread and it has fruit in it, doesn’t make it a “Health Food” – it’s cake, delicious cake, but it’s cake nonetheless just so we’re clear.

Now pass me a slice and talk to me about Sourdough Bread...

Saying “Hello” in the streets and meaning it.

I only see on average 12-15 people a day whilst completing my allotted social distancing exercise with the dog. However small and fleeting these moments are, genuinely people seem to mean it when you say “Hello, how are you?”.

It has, perhaps, at least for this moment in time meant that Londoners have become less London.

Contacting Old Friends

I have spoken/texted/messaged people who I have not seen in the flesh for years, some of whom I did not even knew followed me on Social Platforms or were even interested in me as a person. I have always known we re-inforce imagined barriers through Social Media, even if our friends/followers are large. You probably talk and interact with the same 15 people, right?

I’m finding it an incredible journey into re-discovering people for whom my knowledge of them is voyeuristic at best. There are many people you observe on a Social Platforms that you haven’t actually contacted since your first follow/connection message.

I am really enjoying this renaissance of friendship reconnection, born of the ironically named Social Isolation.

Finding enjoyment in the 'Simple Things'

Sitting on my balcony drinking coffee and tea during the day – for just 5 to 10 minutes makes me endlessly happy. I am lucky and privileged to have such a thing and because of that I will never take it for granted again.

My liberty has been curtailed for the greater good and I stick rigidly to the rules, however hard it can seem at times, the warmth of the sun at 9am pierces through to my soul and for a moment makes it all forgettable if only for a few minutes.

Making Do & Making It Work

More people asked me cooking questions last week than I have in 6 months which is brilliant because I thrive on the interaction & challenge.

More crucially, people are becoming more comfortable with the idea of making do. We are incredibly fortunate, outside of these strange times to have everything we could want and need within 24 to 36 hours; delivered to our door.

But when you want to make homemade pasta and you only have plain flour rather than Tipo 00 Grana Mugana; you throw some eggs into flour and you knead the crap out of it until you get something you,

a) Feel a sense of accomplishment over for completing the task

b) Probably got a bit of a sweat on kneading

c) Have something far tastier than you imagined possible because you made it completely from scratch.

What a great way to thrive in this current climate and feeling like there are achievements to be made at any time.

Writing Letters

My letter writing has gone from 0 in 5 years to 5 in one week... Can you remember the last time you sent or received a letter?

Not a Birthday Card, not a E-Card, Not a Thank you card (which I still love and adore when I get them). I’m talking about something that has taken 20-30 minutes to write where you do not discuss something of the moment, or from the news. You form and conjugate a story or a piece of prose that is forever imprinted on paper.

Most people I know when they receive such a thing tend to keep them for a long time. Maybe even forever, that feels like powerful way to beat the isolation and stay connected to anyone you may know.

A Lack of Self Consciousness

This one is deeply personal to me, I am an outward going person, maybe even to the point of being over the top.

I am however, profoundly hyper-critical of myself and I am incredibly self-conscious. To this point, I will obsess about an idea I have and whether I should write about or perform it within an Instagram video or You Tube video. The obsessing and self-criticism will cripple my ability to deliver on an idea I feel very excited about.

But since being forced to be inside all day and having to confront those feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt because my life’s normal distractions do not apply, I had to consider these feelings and then meet the challenge head on.

Social Isolation has freed me (to a certain extent), my perception of ‘my audience’ – however small that may be, is one of shared camaraderie rather than judgemental individualism. For many this may seem like a difficult idea to believe I struggle with because of my levels of confidence and my passion for what I do BUT honestly, this shift in thought process has been a big turning point for me.

You don’t need to read/watch the news more than twice a day

Was going to explain it, don’t feel like I want to.

Take It or Leave It; it’s how I’m living my life.


If, when all is said and done; the home restrictions are lifted and we can find a way to move on from this horrific situation.

There may just be a moment where we rediscover within ourselves and society something more purposeful to life; other than just getting drunk in pubs, parks and in front of bodies of water we can at least take a moment to learn from this Social Isolation

Maybe the idea that a day spent with our families, cooking, reading, puzzling or baking is a better use of a day than just blindly going forth into a shopping centre or at least, finding some contentment in the simple things of life.

This could all be a blip, a moment in time where change was forced upon us. We adapted our societal norms and then reverted back to ‘business as usual ’ once the danger subsided.

I for one, hope some of these consequences hang around for a bit. I’m pretty excited about a world more considered, accepting and interested in the people, food and drink around them rather than the ghettoised nature of our modern world.

We had access to an outside world but choose to consume it through our screens rather than the world we live in now where our screens free us from our current predicament and world.

Maybe we have a chance to re-define ourselves in the current climate, I am certainly going to take the opportunity and see where it leads me, as long as it’s not outside for more than 30 minutes a day and within 2 metres of another person.

Be Safe, Stay Home and Eat & Drink With Love

All the best

Goose x

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