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Social Isolation Blog


I thought it time to resurrect the blog, which will have some recipes and will have some musings of my own, some creative writing & other things I feel like talking about…

If I’m being honest routines & consistency, as much as I might try to live by a consistent routine have never been something that comes naturally to me. My brain and or personality is just something that can be at times, a little fly away or as one of my school reports would say;

“Andrew sometimes lacks the attention span necessary to complete the tasks he is set”

What our current quarantine / isolation rules are teaching me more than ever is that sticking to a set of rules is crucial. I have spent close to 2 years trying to actively & consistently get into better health and shape. Having a new born in the house, opening a restaurant and just having a life did make this a challenge but I managed to wrap my head around the idea that JFID, “Just F***ing Do It” meant that it was not optional but also and most importantly NOT to beat myself up if it changed or had to work around my busy life or had to happen at a different time. My slightly more atypical personality seemed to thrive in this kind of semi-rigid organisation.

Since being stuck in the house I am working hard to a routine that is similar to this and it seems to be helping; I make my bed, I shower and brush my teeth before I’ve even let the dog out the crate (and gone for our allotted ½ hour exercise)

I may be dressed in shorts and a t-shirt but I am ready for a full day and have managed to cover the fundamentals of life which I believe are the basis to a productive day. I do 30 mins of chores around the house, this may stretch to longer if the job is one of my ‘Home Alone Jobs’. This is a list of things that TBH and I have been working towards since before the birth of Rufus and haven’t managed to get done and with the house empty at the moment (TBH & Rufus are visiting family) I now have no excuse not to get them done.

I recently read James Smith’s “This is Not a Diet Book” and it has kind of been a watershed moment because it’s given me the confidence to accept the “Atypical” nature of who I am and just throw myself into my tasks, jobs, writing, cooking & content generation in a way I hadn’t necessarily considered before and it feels great.

This is the positive side of being free to do what I want currently; the downside is that being unemployed and without your family can be a genuine struggle at times. I do however feel positive about the way I am occupying my time, I am talking to my friends probably more than I have done for some time, I am flowing with creative juices (apologies for that mental image) and my world, whilst confined to my flat, feels full of endless possibilities.

I’ll post again tomorrow…Stay Inside, Be Safe & Eat With Love x

All the best


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